I'm taking part in Time To Change's StoryCamp 2020, and the first prompt is to discuss why talking about mental health is important. I'll be honest, this has caught me at a time where I'm re-evaluating how safe I feel talking about my mental health/illness journey online - especially on twitter. The mental health community on social media definitely has its issues, and this is something that needs to be spoken about a lot more - but I'll save that for a different post. So, why do I believe it's important to talk about mental health? When I first started talking about my mental illness experiences I was just venting on twitter. Back when I had around 300 followers nobody really cared about my opinions or what was happening, it was just nice to scream into the void. Now my follower count has reached over 1300 people sometimes mistake me for somebody who knows something, when in reality I'm still pretty much just screaming into the void! The way I use my voice...